The classic lines in the movie of Finding the Mr.Right
To our beloved ones:our parents,sisters and brothers,supervisors and the mates we are fighting FOR OUR FUTURE together
I will not be tired of the beautiful words uesed as the loving messages.
Love is just to take up your hands and grow older and older together.
3. 钱多钱少不重要重要的是找个知冷知热知心的好男人疼你。
It Is not the wealth that make you happy,but the right man who can tell the sorrow and happiness from you .
4. 如果我们都住在对方的心里,死亡就不是分离!
Even the death cannot separate us apart when we have a strong telesthesia.
5. 我要努力使自己变得强大,随时迎接从天而降的爱情。
Make ourselves stronger and stronger to ensure that we can grasp the personwe beloved when he or she comes.
The most beautiful three words in this world are :Just be together .
There is someone who once took my heart ;there is someone ,whom i have already fell in love with,who impressed me deeply as we are passing by in the street.
The number in your bankcard cannot reflect your richness,but the smilings of yours can do that.
In spite of the wrong time,wrong places,our lives would go to the right approaches as the appearance of the very person in our lives.
10. 对女人而言,钱不是重点,重点是每一个关键的时刻,你都能陪在她身边。
For a woman, the point is not whether you are rich or poor,but the better companion of her at every pointing time.
Only can we achieve the independence and toughness,we can tell the person we are falling in love with that “I love you”.
12. 他也许不会带我去坐游艇吃法餐,但是他可以每天早晨都为我跑几条街去买我最爱吃的豆浆油条
He may not have dinner in the yacht with me,but the truth is that he can runsacross a couple of blocks to buy my favourite soy milk and dough sticks for meevery morning.
13. 唯有你愿意去相信,才能得到你想相信的。对的人终究会遇上,美好的人终究会遇到,只要让自己足够美好。
If you believe it ,you can certainly get it AND we will meet the right person and things with keeping us right.
14. 两个人相爱的证据就是不管在哪,彼此都在对方的眼里。爱情有时候就是这么简单
Love sometimes is just what it is that you are the person who I love most,no matter what kinds of evidences we can find to prove that WE LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH.
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