1 、毕业证翻译模版
This is to certify that Mr. /Ms. XXX, born on X, X, has studied in China University of Political Science and Law with a specialty of X (Law) from September XXXX to July XXXX. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, he/ she is granted graduation.
Huang Jin
President of China University of Political Science and Law
July 1, X
Diploma No. : XXXXXX
2 、学士学位证翻译模板
This is to certify that Mr. /Ms. XXX, born on X, X, has completed all the required courses of the undergraduate program in X (Law) in China University of Political Science and Law and is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in X (Law).
Huang Jin
President and Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of
China University of Political Science and Law
July 1, X
Certificate No. : XXXXXX
以上就是学位证及毕业证的翻译模板。除此办理出国留学的同学可以作为参考。虽然对于打算出国留学的同学而言外语水平自然不差。翻译这个会轻而易举。在这里需要提醒您的是两证翻译是作为出国留学的资质证明。它需要专业翻译公司盖章才能得到认可。以往出国留学申请中也有同学自己翻译。但多多少少会出现误译错译等问题。为避免类似问题建议您交给专业翻译公司来完成。北京翻译公司是资深翻译公司。是由国家工商局批准的专业涉外翻译服务公司【涉外备案章编码: 110105040276* 】。多年来对两证翻译的经验。可以保证为您提供专业、快速准确的两证翻译。